Can your voice be represented with a color? What would a drawing look like of an entire dance sequence? Can you taste sound?

I was thinking about these questions for a class I’m taking called Design Across Scales. It’s a phenomenal class, taught by Professors Neri Oxman and Meejin Yoon in the MIT Media Lab.

The most recent project for the class was to Make Something that Makes Something. I thought okay: I make expressions. I make art. I make music. So I can make a new technique that uses many senses at the same time to make something - a drawing, a color, a taste. I’m calling it Multi-Sensory Expression.

The Color of Music

I’m definitely not the first person to think about expressing myself using multiple senses. YOU do it, too! Everyday, you deliberately put on matching clothes (vision), you spray yourself with perfume (olfaction, smell), and you hopefully brush your teeth for your significant other if you’re dating (taste)*. So there you go! Even before you leave your house in the morning you’ve expressed yourself using three different senses. Bravo! Well done to you!

During my brainstorming process, I came upon a project called Drawdio, which was developed by Jay Silver in the MIT Media Lab. It’s a “pencil that lets you draw music” using a Theremin (an electronic musical instrument). It inspired me to think of a whole bunch of awesome tools I could build to express myself in brand new ways. But for the class, I decided it would be cool to generate a colorful picture from listening to music and watching me dance.

Arduino Motion Sensor Circuit

I did this by developing two modules. The first module changes the color of a circle based on the loudness of the music or sound. The second module changes the position of the circle based on location. I used the Processing Language to build my app which listened to music input over the microphone and read arduino serial input from an ultrasonic motion sensor. My program took both these inputs and translated them into circle colors and circle locations.

The idea is that now you can dance to music in your room with this circuit sensing your position and creating a picture of those awesome moves you just showed off. It’s a new way to represent dance. It’s a new way to think expressively; Multi-Sensory Expression.

I put the code on my github. It’s a simple example and this idea has a long way to go. I’ll be posting updates as I upgrade but I think that this little prototype - for as simple as it is - allows you to now express yourself in a way that your previously couldn’t…that’s pretty groovy.

Now go out and dance your tukas off to the sweet tunes of spring coming into bloom; Happy Earth Day!

* My mother - a dental hygienist - highly recommends brushing your teeth three times a day, everyday; not just when you’re dating.